Devastating news

Dr. Puay Tang
It is with great sadness that the chair and steering committee of ENRESSH inform you of the death of a dear MC Member and founder of ENRESSH, Dr. Puay TANG. Her untimely death came as a sudden shock to those of us who knew her and was caused by an incurable disease that was discovered at a late stage. It is very hard to accept because Puay, besides being a very fine scholar and a wonderful colleague, was such a lively personality with lots of humour.
She was involved in many projects on evaluating the impact of research, and had published extensively on the subject.
Many of you will not have met Puay, nor her partner Jordi Molas Gallart, MC Member from Spain, and yet they were both with the movement from the outset and helped set up the network that was to become ENRESSH. Puay had been unable to participate at meetings for some time due to new responsabilities at the University of Sussex, but she was always with us. She was involved in many projects on evaluating the impact of research, and had published extensively on the subject. Those who knew her will remember her joyfulness and enthusiasm. Her death is a huge loss for all of us.
ENRESSH will honour Puay’s memory on our website. If you knew her, please feel free to send us a few words saying how you met Puay, on what kind of projects you cooperated with her, or whatever other ideas you have about her. We would like to gather all these testimonials and publish them.
Ioana Galleron
on behalf of the Steering committee of ENRESSH