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Challenges of the evaluation of social sciences and humanities research (SSH)

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The ‘Prague Manifesto’, the ENRESSH position paper on SSH research evaluation, is now available: Evaluation_of_SSH_final

This major position paper grew from discussions during the Stakeholder meeting in Prague in January 2017. Since then, the ex-manifesto has undergone much discussion, and became a series of recommendations for improving evaluation protocols in the SSH. Based on the observation of best practices, the paper does not promote any national system in particular, but intends to underline principles which need to be taken into consideration when designing and applying evaluation protocols for the SSH. Offering an extended version is one of the mail aims of the Action.

Please note that all deliverables of ENRESSH are under a Creative commons license, CC_BY_NC_ND_SA.

Social Impact

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A  paper co-authored by ENRESSH Vice-Chair Jack Spaapen has been published in Research Professional to coincide with the recent Leru report on social impact. ‘Impact agenda gains elite support’ can be read here:

The Leru report is available on their website at: