Andreja Starčič
Institution: University of Primorska & University of Ljubljana
Country: Slovenia
Early stage researcher:
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Short statment:
Professor Andreja Istenič Starčič, graduated from sociology of culture and education at University of Ljubljana, MA from sociology of Culture and PhD from education University of Ljubljana. Employed at the University of Primorska Faculty of Education and University of Ljubljana Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering Slovenia, where she is a Full Professor. She is also a Honorary fellow at Macquarie University Sydney Australia. Visiting Professor at Federal University Kazan (Volga region), Tatarstan Russia. A Vice dean for international collaboration at Faculty of Education University of Primorska. As an expert in educational technology and interdisciplinary research, her research interests and teaching involve Educational technology, Learning environments, Research in education, Media education, Contemporary learning theories, ICT assisted learning for people with special needs, Innovation and creative production of multimedia contents. Higher education, work integrated learning. She is editor of iJET – International journal: emerging technologies in learning and has been editor of BJET - British Journal of Educational technology. A member of editorial boards TOJET – The Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology, iJAC- International journal of advanced corporate learning and editor of a special virtual issue of BJET – British Journal of Educational Technology: ICT-Supported Learning and Special Educational Needs: A Special Virtual Issue. She is one of funding convenors of EERA – European Educational Research Association network Didactics. She is involved in international conferences committees: ALT 2016 – Association for Learning technology annual conference CONNECT, COLLABORATE, CREATE, NETNEP 2014 – 5th International Nurse Education Conference, EDUCON 2014 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, SDM’2014 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Interactive Computer Aided Learning, organiser of special session ICCHP 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs.