Tim Engels is head of the Departement of Research Affairs and Innovation at the University of Antwerp. Trained in psychology (PhD Vrije Universiteit Brussel), he became responsible for research evaluation at the University of Antwerp as of 2006. He supervises the UAntwerpen group of the Flemish Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM) since 2009. Under his leadership the Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the Social Sciences and Humanities (VABB-SHW) has been set up and updated yearly. His research focuses on research evaluation and publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities.

Alexandra Bitušíková is an Associate Professor at Matej Bel University (UMB) in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, and a Senior Adviser to the EUA Council for Doctoral Education in Brussels, Belgium. She received PhD in social anthropology from Comenius University in Bratislava. She worked in various academic management positions (Vice-Rector for Research, Director of the UMB Research Institute, Head of Scientific Committee, Head of EUA activities in the field of doctoral education). She was a visiting scholar at Cambridge University, UK; University College London, UK; and Boston University, U.S. (Fulbright). She participated in several European Framework Programme research projects and is author of more than 100 publications on urban anthropology, diversity, gender, social and cultural change in Central Europe, and doctoral education in Europe. In 2001, she was seconded to the European Commission, DG Research in Brussels. From 2003 to 2008 she worked at the European University Association (EUA) in Brussels where she was responsible for activities related to doctoral education reform in Europe. She was fully engaged in the process of the establishment of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) in 2008. Since then she has been working at EUA-CDE as a senior adviser in the field of doctoral education while pursuing her academic career back in Slovakia. As a researcher, she was involved in six FP and H2020 SSH projects. She has been the Slovak national delegate in the H2020 SC6 Programme Committee and the national delegate in the Helsinki Group on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation.

Andrea Bonaccorsi is Full Professor of Economics and Management at the School of Engineering of the University of Pisa, Italy. His research interests are in the fields of economics of science, technology, and innovation. He has published over 200 papers, of which more than 60 articles in internationally refereed journals.
He is member of RISE, the group of experts supporting the European Commissioner for Research and Innovation.
He has pioneered the field of microdata on Higher Education Institutions in Europe, with the Aquameth and Eumida projects, which gave origin to ETER, the now publicly available European Tertiary Education Register. On these projects he edited Knowledge, Diversity and Performance in European Higher Education (Edward Elgar, 2014) and, together with Cinzia Daraio, Universities And Strategic Knowledge Creation (Edward Elgar, 2007).
In the 2011-2015 period he served as Board member of the newly created Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR). In this capacity he supervised the production of indicators for the National Scientific Habilitation, the classification of scientific journals, and the development of the methodology for the evaluation of the third mission. Based on these experiences he wrote two books: one book (in Italian) in which he developed systematically the epistemic arguments for research evaluation, in particular in SSH (La valutazione possibile, Il Mulino 2015) and another in which he collected and edited chapters on various aspects of evaluation in SSH (Research evaluation in SSH. Lessons from the Italian experience, Springer 2017). He served as evaluators for agencies in France, Canada, Portugal, and Israel.
He has been member of several expert groups at the European Commission (DG Research, DG Regio), among which the AUBR group (Assessment of University-Based Research) and the group which supported the launch of the European Research Council.

Africa Borges has a Degree in Psychology by the University of Valencia and a Phd in Psychology by the University of La Laguna. She is a reader in the Department of Clinical Pshychology, Psychobiology and Methodology at the University of La Laguna. She has developed her research in the evaluation of educational programmes since 2010, starting a research line to evaluate teachers’ behaviours, employing observational methodology. Her expertise includes the creation of measurement instruments.
Since 2001 she has been the director of the Research Group on Giftedness, where she directs Phd, grade and masters thesis. In 2004 she created the Comprehensive Program for High Abilities (PIPAC in Spanish) which is an out-of-school program for gifted and talented children and their families. This program has spread beyond our borders and nowadays it is being carried out in two universities of Mexico, the University Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, and the University of Guadalajara.
She is the director of the International Network of Research, Intervention and Assessment in High Intellectual Abilities (REINEVA, in Spanish), member of the and Asociación Española de Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento (AEMCCO), of the European Association of Methodology, the European Council for High Ability and director of the digital magazine of science in the disciplines of Psychology and Education, Talincrea (Talent, Intelligence and creativity).

Ketrina Çabiri Mijo received a Master’s Degree in European Politics from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom in 2009. Ketrina completing her PHD on Corruption and Decision making in Public Procurement, as a research fellowship at the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the Essex University under a Civil Society Scholar Award in 2016 and a research stay at the Department of Political Sciences and Sociology, University of Salzburg as a Sigma Agile Fellow (2015-2016). Ketrina is a research Fellow at TRAIN programme ‘Fostering Policy Dialogue in the Western Balkans’ lead by German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in 2017.
Since 2011 Ketrina has been working at the Office for Project Development and Partnerships at UET and currently she is the Head of Office. Previously she has worked as an expert of European Research Programs in the Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation in the Council of Ministers in Albania. She has an extensive experience in project writing and management, while she has been involved in several EU Projects such as Tempus, IPA CBC/Interred MED, LLP/Jean Monnet, ERASMUS +, ESPON and other national and international donors like World Bank and British Council, Open Society Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Sifting, OSCE, UNWOMEN, GDN (Global Research Competition), etc.
Ketrina has published in national and international journals and publishing houses, such as Bentham Science Publishers, Kluwer Law International, Oxford University Press, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Emerald Publishing), etc.

Dr. Luisa Carvalho is Assistant Professor at Department of Social Sciences and Management, Open University of Portugal and coordinates the MSc in Management and the Intensive Course on Entrepreneurship and Small Business. She is researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (CEFAGE), University of Évora (Portugal). She received her PhD in Management from the University of Évora (Portugal). She is the author of several articles in scientific journals, international conferences, books and book chapters. Her current research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation, internationalization and services sector.

After graduating in geography (1993) I was engaged within the R&D institutes of the Academy of Science of Moldova. In 1999 I was awarded the PhD degree in human geography at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania).
Since 1999 year, I have been working in bodies responsible for science policy and research evaluation in the Republic of Moldova. At the same time I conducted researches, the results of which I published as scientific articles and monographs. In total, I have published about 100 scientific papers.
In 2008-2010 I was postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Economy, Finances and Statistics from Moldova. Following the research I published the book “Management of the national research and development system: between globalisation and provincialisation”.
I am senior researcher (part-time) at the Information Society Development Institute (ISDI), since 2010, and head of the Department for R&D evaluation at the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC), since 2018.

Milena Dobreva is an Associate Professor with the Library, Information and Archive Sciences Department at the University of Malta. Her main research interests are in the domains of use of digital resources (including novel methods for engagement and evaluation of the impact and value of digital cultural heritage). She was the principal investigator of EC, JISC and UNESCO funded projects in the areas of user experiences, digitisation and digital preservation and is a regular evaluator for the EC and a range of national research agencies. In 1990-2007 she worked at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences where she earned her PhD degree in Informatics in 1999 and served as the founding head of the first Digitisation Centre in Bulgaria (2004). She was also serving on the Bulgarian national committee of the Memory of the World programme of UNESCO. In 2007-2011 she worked for the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde. Milena was awarded an honorary medal for contribution to the development of the relationships between Bulgaria and UNESCO (2006) and an Academic Award for young researchers (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1998). Since 2012 she is an Associate Professor in the University of Malta where under her guidance the programmes in library, information, and archival science had been updated and extended with a Master’s course in Documentary Heritage and Melitensia. In 2014-15 Milena contributed to the EC-funded project Civic Epistemologies, which developed a roadmap for citizen science in digital cultural heritage.

Thomas Franssen is a researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University. He has a background in cultural sociology and studied translation flows in fiction and poetry publishing for his dissertation (University of Amsterdam, 2015).
He is interested in the relation between research governance and the epistemic properties of research in a comparative perspective (with a focus on SSH). His work focusses on changes in funding arrangements, evaluation processes and research infrastructure and what this means for research practices and content of research. He also works on the history of bibliometrics, in particular in relation to the humanities.

Elea Giménez-Toledo is Research Fellow at the Spanish National Research Council since 2006 and principal investigator of the Research Group on Scholarly Book (ILIA: http://ilia.cchs.csic.es). She is member of the EvalHum Initiative and member of the Management Committee of COST Action ENRESSH.
She has conducted basic and applied research in the field of assessment of Social Sciences and Humanities publications. The research group has developed information systems and indirect quality indicators for journals in Humanities and Social Sciences fields (DICE, RESH and CIRC) and for scholarly book publishers (SPI, Scholarly Publishers Indicators). These tools have been considered and used by Spanish assessment agencies.
She was involved in the European Commission project METRIS (Monitoring European Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities) as Spain national correspondant, as well as in Latindex information system. Between 2001 and 2006 she was full professor at the School of Communication of the Universidad de Navarra. For two years (2010-2012) she was Deputy Director of the Center for Human and Social Sciences belonging to the CSIC, in charge of proposing methods to improve the evaluation of SSH scholars and encourage the quest for quality in SSH research.

Raf Guns is coordinator of the University of Antwerp branch of the Flemish Centre for Research & Development Monitoring (ECOOM), which is specialized in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). The main task of ECOOM-Antwerp is the maintenance and further development of the VABB-SHW, a comprehensive database of research output in the SSH in Flanders.
He holds a PhD in library and information science (University of Antwerp, 2012). His research interests include bibliometrics, data science and social network analysis. He is an editorial board member of Journal of Informetrics.

Alexander Hasgall (Dr. phil.), born 1974, is scientific coordinator at the University of Geneva. In this position, he is responsible for the program “Performances de le recherche en sciences humaines et sociales”. This program aims at developing instruments to make the quality and the impact of research in the humanities and social sciences visible and evaluate it appropriately. Alexander Hasgall wrote his PhD about the politics of truth, justice and recognition in relation to the last military dictatorship in Argentina. Before, he worked as journalist, in market research and in the NGO-Sector. Hestudied philosophy, contemporary history, and social and economic history at the University of Zurich and the Free University of Berlin.

Dr Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman works in research policy, management and evaluation since 1990. Between November 2003 and December 2013 she worked for the European Science Foundation (ESF) in Strasbourg, France. Initially her main responsibility was quality assurance of evaluation processes; she initiated ESF European Peer Review Guide (2011). Later she was Head of Humanities and Social Sciences Unit where she was responsible for the evaluation of project proposals as well as for the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH). She is currently a member of the Advisory Group of ERIH PLUS at the Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD). Since 2014 she is advisor for international collaborations in the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN) in Warsaw, Poland. She is particularly interested in theory, policy and practice of research evaluation in SSH in Europe and working out common standards.
Nina studied Polish philology at Warsaw University (Poland), German philology at Tuebingen University (Germany) and was awarded a PhD in Slavic languages and literatures at Columbia University (New York) in 1986.

Sven Hug studied German Linguistics and Literature and Psychology. He graduated from the University of Zurich (UZH) in 2008 and has worked in various companies as a market research analyst. Since 2009, he is working as a project manager at the Evaluation Office at UZH and as a research associate at the Professorship for Social Psychology and Research on Higher Education at ETHZ. He is conducting research in the fields of "Research Evaluation" and "Bibliometrics". Currently, his focus is on constructing valid criteria and indicators for evaluating research in the humanities. Since 2015, Sven Hug serves as an expert for the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).

Dragan Ivanović received a PhD degree at University of Novi Sad in 2010. He holds the associate professor position at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences. He has authored or co-authored more than 40 scientific papers. Most of these publications are related to software engineering, document management, digital libraries and research information systems. He is a member of the DOSIRD http://dosird.uns.ac.rs project team. Also, he was involved in development of Open source Digital Library of theses and dissertations http://opendlt.uns.ac.rs.

Dr. Arnis Kokorevics has participated in research evaluation exercises organized by Latvian Council of Science (LCS) and Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CSTS) of the Latvian Academy of Sciences since 2008. As Scientific Secretary of Latvian Council of Science (since 2014) Involvement into organization and realization of project evaluation (proposals, reports) and research evaluation exercises in the all fields of science, including Social sciences and Art and Humanities. Communication and correspondence with other research and state administration institutions at national level in Latvia, including actualities regarding Research Policy and Research Evaluation. Information of situation in national level.
He is the representative of Latvia in ERA European RTD Evaluation Network (EuEvalNet) since 2008. Representative of Latvia in ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (SGHRM) since 2009 and in working group of the EURAXESS Bridgehead Organizations since 2004. Participation in preparation of Researchers’ Report 2012, 2013, 2014 and MORE2 studies (information about situation in Latvia).

Jiří Kolman works as a scientific secretary in the Global Change Research Centre of Czech Academy of Sciences (CzechGlobe). He is responsible for the ‘open access’ agenda, scientific evaluations and career development of this interdisciplinary European Centre of Excellence, that currently consists of 16 research teams and operating research infrastructure developed thanks to EU structural funding (mainly the project CzechGlobe, supported by the Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme with budget 35mil EUR during the period 2010-2014). As a stakeholder and researcher, Jiří Kolman, who is currently finishing his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University in which he deals with free access to EU institutions, will focus on ‘practical’ questions (from scientific management point of view) legal concerns (especially from the perspective of European and international law) associated with the project objectives.

Grzegorz Król received his PhD in Psychology, at the University of Warsaw. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and Sociology of Management, Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. For over a decade Grzegorz has been involved in EU projects in the area of public health and harm reduction, and managed several dozens of international conferences. His current work at the University of Warsaw focuses on issues of multitasking and overflow. He also develops and maintains multiplatform software for running psychological experiments.

I am a philosopher of communication and I work in the field of research evaluation. I focus on scholarly communication, academic publishing, Open Science, and scientometrics.
As part of my research, I try to go beyond the walls of the Academy. Therefore, I write popular science articles and essays. For many years, I have conducted seminars and workshops on scholarly communication and research evaluation.
Since 2010, I have been writing an academic blog entitled “Warsztat badacza” (“Scholar’s Workshop”), where I discuss scholarly communication, legislation concerning the evaluation of science and other issues that relate to the daily work of researchers.

Nuno Miguel Lima (nunolima@fcsh.unl.pt) is a PhD student in History at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL), working on late modern and contemporary business-government relations. He’s a researcher at Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC), in the same University, where he’s responsible for managing the unit’s research outputs. He’s interested in the development of evaluation tools that account for the social relevance and specificities of SSH research activities, in particular those related with community engagement.

Bojan Macan is a head of the Centre for Scientific Information at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. He has a PhD in Information and Library Sciences (finished in 2015) as well as graduation diploma of information sciences (librarianship) and Croatian language and literature (finished in 2005), all from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. In his PhD thesis he has developed a model of Current Research Information System for Croatian academic and research society which could be used for evaluation purposes. Bojan is/was a collaborator on three international projects European Union projects related to open access, open data and open science (OpenAIRE 2020, OpenAIREplus, FOSTER). He is also a collaborator on Croatian projects dealing with development of Croatian information infrastructure – Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI, Croatian open access infrastructure DABAR (Digital Academic Archives and Repositories), Full-text Institutional Repository of the Ruđer Bošković Institute - FULIR and Database about Scientific Equipment – Sestar. He has actively participated in many international and domestic conferences and is very active in education activities through university teaching, various educational trainings, as well as training of librarians through the Center for Continuing Professional Training of Librarians. His interests are connected with scientific communication, open access, open data and open science, bibliometrics, evaluation of science and implementation of new technologies in libraries. He has published around 20 articles in international and domestic journals, conference proceedings and one book chapter.

Jorge Mañana Rodríguez holds a degree in education and a Ph.D. in library and information science. He is currently hired researcher at the ÍLIA Research Group (Spanish National Research Council).

Ann Marcus-Quinn has an MA in Technical Communication (University of Limerick)
Ann’s PhD dissertation “Observing the Use of Reusable Learning Objects in the Post-primary
English classroom” used key principles of Technical Communication to collaboratively develop a series of Open Educational Resources with post-primary teachers. The findings of this research suggest that the framework used in the collaborative development of resources enhances the reusable nature of the materials and that future resources should employ a similar collaborative approach. Ann is a lecturer in Technical Communication and Instructional Design at the University of Limerick, Ireland. She is currently the Course Director for the Graduate Certificate in Technical Writing (by distance).

Rahman Nurković is Full Professor of Human Geography on Department of Geography University of Sarajevo. He is head of doctoral studies on Faculty of Science University of Sarajevo. He is Chief Editor of scientific journal “Geografski pregled” which is only journal from Geography in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is CEEPUS and Erasmus+ programme Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nikolaus Obwegeser is Assistant Professor of Information Systems at Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences, Denmark. . He holds a PhD in Information Business from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria. He has been conducting research and teaching in the field of Information Systems, Innovation Management and Supply Chain Management since 2008, focusing particularly on the acceptance and dissemination of decision support systems, the alignment between business and IS in organizations, as well as the role of public procurement in innovation management. His work is published in well-known international journals, such as the journal of Computers & Operations Research (COR), the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI), the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) or the Human Computer Interaction International (HCII) conference.

Claudia OLIVEIRA is responsible for International Funding at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon. She has a sound experience in EU policies, since she was H2020 NCP for Societal Challenge 6, Science with and for Society and Innovation in SMEs. Moreover, she worked as Research Administrator for ERA-NET’s (Norface, HY-CO and Marin-ERA, in particular) and for International Partnerships with the US, such as MIT-Portugal Program, Carnegie Mellon-Portugal Program, UTAustin-Portugal Program and Harvard Medical School. More recently, she worked as a Research Fellow, as well as an European Liaison Officer at APIS, the Portuguese Archive for Social Information, and had permanent contact with CESSDA, the European infrastructure, as the Portuguese representative. She holds both a BSc and a MSc in Political Science and is currently finishing her PhD thesis in the same area.

Dejan Pajić is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad. He holds a PhD in Psychology and teaches several undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics and human-computer interaction. His field of interest and expertise encompasses scientometrics, research evaluation, information retrieval, and information visualization. Dejan was member of the core team that developed Serbian Citation Index (http://scindeks.ceon.rs) and Journal Bibliometric Report - a comprehensive system for quantitative evaluation of Serbian academic journals. His current research activities are mainly focused on promotion of Open Science and the realization of Erasmus+ project entitled BE-OPEN - Boosting Engagement of Serbian Universities in Open Science (http://beopen.uns.ac.rs).

Pantelis M. Papadopoulos is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media at the Faculty of Arts in Aarhus University. Dr Papadopoulos holds a BSc in Informatics, and MSc and PhD in Information and Communication Technologies in Education from the School of Informatics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Before joining AU, he held postdoctoral positions at the International Institute for Software Technology at United Nations University (Macau SAR, China), and at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. He has worked in several funded research projects in Europe, Qatar, and Macau SAR, including openED 2.0, openSE, Arabiyyatii, and Kaleidoscope NoE. Dr Papadopoulos is also the project coordinator of the Erasmus+ project InnoEntre (Framework for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support in Open Higher Education; KA200-2014-011; http://innoentre.com), focusing on innovative and entrepreneurial pedagogies. His research interests include Educational Technology, Game-Based Learning, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, and Open and Distance Education. His work is published in more than 45 top ranking international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Dr Papadopoulos is the chief-editor of the upcoming book “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education”, published by ELIG (http://www.elig.org) and Emerald Publications. He is a member of the scientific committee in several top ranking international conferences (e.g., ICALT, EC-TEL, CSEDU, CSCL) and reviewer to major journals in his domain (e.g., Computers & Education; Educational Technology Research & Development; IEEE Transactions on Education). He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), and the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Dr Sanja Pekovic has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University Paris-Est under the supervision of Prof. Marc-Arthur Diaye. She is Assistent Professor at the University of Montenegro. Dr Pekovic is also visiting researcher at the University Paris-Dauphine and fellow at the CERGE-EI. Between 2006 and 2011, she was Researcher at the Center for Labor Studies (Centre d’Eudes de l’Emploi) and Lecturer at the University Paris-Est. In 2006, she obtained a Master’s degree from the Ecole Nationale Des Pontset Chaussées and University of Paris-EST Marne-la-Vallée. Her research interests are within the field of quality and environmental economics, economics of innovation, corporate social responsibility, applied econometrics, and on this topic she has published in international journals. During her PhD studies, she was also a visiting scholar at the several prestigious research institutions, including INRA-SupArgo (Montpellier, France, 2007), Laboratoire CNRS UMI 2615 Franco-Russe PONCELET (Moscow, Russia, 2007) and at Institute of Environment and Sustainability, UCLA (LA, California, 2010) in collaboration with Prof. Magali Delmas. Dr Pekovic has published extensively in leading Economic and Management journals and have given invited seminars and talks at numerous national and international conferences. She has also acted as a Vice-Chair/President of several conference organizing committees, as a referee for several prestigious subject-specific journals and she is active member of several academic networks and societies. Upon recognition of her contribution to academic research, she has received the ‘Research Impact on Practice’ Award from the Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Division of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida (2013), which is awarded to researchers in the area of Economics and Management whose work has demonstrated significant practical implications. She is also involved in several projects that are funded by national and international organizations.

Ginevra Peruginelli is Researcher at ITTIG-CNR. She has a degree in Law and a Ph.D in Telematics and Information Society at the University of Florence. She has also received her Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Northumbria, Newcastle. For ten years (starting in 2004) she has been adjunct professor of legal informatics at the Law Faculty of University of Perugia. In 2012 she was adjunct professor of legal informatics at the University of Florence, Faculty of Law. In 2004 and in 2006 she won two research fellowships as visiting scientist at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies of the University of London and the Centre de recherche en droit public at the Faculty of Law of the University of Montréal. Since 2007 she is member of the editorial board of DoGi – Dottrina Giuridica, one of the most precious Italian bibliographic source for accessing legal scholarship coming from journal articles. Since 2015 she is the scientific coordinator of a national project on the evaluation of monographs in the field of legal science. The project has been funded by the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) of Italy under the research theme "The role of books in non-bibliometric areas". The project aims at investigating the possibility of using indicators to support the evaluation of monographs in the area of law. She is one of the editor in chief of the Journal of Open Access to Law (JOAL) published by Cornell University. Since October 2013 she is member of the Steering Committee of the Free access to Law Association (FALM)

I am a Research Evaluation Manager at the Masaryk University in Brno. My original research background is a 19th-century history of the Czech lands. However, my recent professional interests include scientometrics, research evaluation on both national and institutional level, and scholarly publishing overall. Among others, I conduct lectures on research evaluation topics, and I provide a portfolio of bibliometric services to the university community. My actual research concerns databases, publication patterns and their changes caused by science policies and topics of publication ethics.

Lic.Phil. Janne Pölönen has training in history, specialising in Roman law and society research. Since 2010 he has been involved with developing the Finnish ‘Publication Forum’ based publication indicator, and with analysing the Finnish universities’ output using national and international databases. In course of this work, he is acquainted with bibliometric research and practices.

Dr. Stevo Popovic has enrolled at the University of Novi Sad in year 1998 where he acquired the bachelor degree (Sport Pedagogy) in 2003, master degree (Sport Management) in 2009 as well as PhD degree (Sport Management) in 2011. He attended postdoctoral study at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2011/2012 school year also in Sport Management. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor and Dean at the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, University of Montenegro, Montenegro. He has a wide range of the research interests in the past that span many areas of Sports Science, mostly due to the reason he has accomplished a number of professional transitions from Physical Education to Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education and Socio-cultural Issues of Sport and Sport Management. So, he possesses rich interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary background that makes him more experienced and reflexive researcher. An Executive Editor in Montenegrin Journal of Sports Sciences and Medicine (Web of Science and Scopus indexed) and member of several editorial boards in international journals, as well many publications in internationally peer-reviewed journals and several keynote and invited presentations makes him internationally recognized academician in the area of Sports Sciences. It is also worth to mention that he has received several research grants offered through EACEA programs and has visited several European universities in the period longer than one month, as well as he is coordinator of two national research projects funded by Ministry of Science in Montenegro. On the other hand, it would be also highlighted that he is an Editor of the Social Science Library in University Press and Executive Director of Montenegrin Society for Sport Management as well as an expert in several national bodies such as Sport Federations, WHO, Council of Higher Education etc. He is married and have two kids.

Ana Ramos main activity has been the monitorization and analysis of science and higher education public policies, with particular interest in the evaluation of scientific research and in the complementarity between quantitative methods (such as bibliometrics) and peer review. She holds a PhD in biochemistry and had been working in Universidade Nova de Lisboa as a research administrator and manager since 2007. At the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (the government agency that funds individuals, research projects and institutions across all areas of research), she has coordinated projects for constructing authoritative lists of Social Science and Humanities journals and publishers and in the implementation of a publication indicator for SSH. She is member of the Management Committee of ENRESSH and national expert for ERIH PLUS - European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

Elias Sanz-Casado is PhD in Biology from Complutense University of Madrid since 1986. Currently is Full Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science at the Carlos III University of Madrid. He has participated in the publication of several monographs and a large number of articles published in international and national scientific journals about studies related to bibliometrics, scientometrics and research assessment.
Currently, Elías Sanz-Casado is director of the research group "Laboratory for Metric Information Studies" (LEMI), where he develop his research activity in the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics. Thus, he leads and takes part in competitive research projects called by different Spanish and foreign public institutions. Since 2013, he leads ‘Research Institute for Higher Education and Science’ (INAECU) which is composed by members of Carlos III University of Madrid and Autonomous University of Madrid (http://www.inaecu.com/).
He has gained extensive experience in the field of research evaluation. He has participated in various committees such as the Committee of Experts of the National Plan for the Evaluation and Qualifications, the Evaluation Commission of the Program of Social Sciences of the National Research Plan (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) or the Committee of International Experts evaluation of research projects at the University of the Republic of Uruguay, 2010. He has also been an expert evaluator for the National Agency for Evaluation and Forecasting (ANEP), for the Spanish Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), and for Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
His main research lines are:
1. - Research evaluation of scientific areas and institutions
2. - Designing and developing of bibliometric indicators for research evaluation on sciences, social sciences and humanities disciplines.
3. - Creating and developing universities rankings (http://www.iune.es/).

Linda Sīle is doctoral student at the University of Antwerp within the Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM). My current work spans somewhat diverse yet intertwined themes around (sociology of) the use of data within bibliometrics for social sciences and humanities. Since Summer 2016, national bibliographic databases for research output within the social sciences and humanities, as well as the ways how to explore these artefacts, has been the main area of inquiry. Specifically, if one is reminded that such databases (as any other infrastructure) tend to carry their own histories with social and cultural preferences, then it becomes interesting to see how these histories play out when data from such national databases are integrated either in new information systems or a bibliometric study.
Linda holds a Master of Science degree in Education with a specialisation in Educational Research (University of Gothenburg). Additional academic education is acquired in the Science and Technology Studies and Philosophy of Science (independent courses and workshops; University of Gothenburg, Ghent University, Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture).

Karel Šima works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Ethnology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. He earned his PhD in history and anthropology with thesis on national festivity cultures in 19th century in 2010. His research interests comprise cultural history, theory of history and ethnology, methodology of ethnography and research on festivities and performative cultures in general. He is co-author of 3 books, several articles in international peer review journals and more than 20 studies in Czech journals and books. In recent years he has been involved also in several project on higher education research and research policy.

Gunnar Sivertsen is Research Professor and Head of Bibliometric Research at the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) in Oslo. His expertise is in studies of scholarly communication and publishing and in the development and use of bibliometric indicators for statistics, evaluation, funding, and science policy. He has a doctoral degree in Scandinavian literature from the University of Oslo.
He also:
• Developed the so-called “Norwegian model” for providing research evaluation and statistics with complete and quality-assured open data on scientific publishing in all fields, including the social sciences and humanities. So far adopted by Denmark, Finland and Norway, partly also by Belgium (Flanders) and Portugal.
• Chaired a working group appointed by the European Science Foundation to look for solutions for comprehensive bibliometric data coverage in the social sciences and humanities; resulted so far in ERIH PLUS

Professor Andreja Istenič Starčič, graduated from sociology of culture and education at University of Ljubljana, MA from sociology of Culture and PhD from education University of Ljubljana. Employed at the University of Primorska Faculty of Education and University of Ljubljana Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering Slovenia, where she is a Full Professor. She is also a Honorary fellow at Macquarie University Sydney Australia. Visiting Professor at Federal University Kazan (Volga region), Tatarstan Russia. A Vice dean for international collaboration at Faculty of Education University of Primorska. As an expert in educational technology and interdisciplinary research, her research interests and teaching involve Educational technology, Learning environments, Research in education, Media education, Contemporary learning theories, ICT assisted learning for people with special needs, Innovation and creative production of multimedia contents. Higher education, work integrated learning. She is editor of iJET – International journal: emerging technologies in learning and has been editor of BJET - British Journal of Educational technology. A member of editorial boards TOJET – The Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology, iJAC- International journal of advanced corporate learning and editor of a special virtual issue of BJET – British Journal of Educational Technology: ICT-Supported Learning and Special Educational Needs: A Special Virtual Issue. She is one of funding convenors of EERA – European Educational Research Association network Didactics. She is involved in international conferences committees: ALT 2016 – Association for Learning technology annual conference CONNECT, COLLABORATE, CREATE, NETNEP 2014 – 5th International Nurse Education Conference, EDUCON 2014 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, SDM’2014 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Interactive Computer Aided Learning, organiser of special session ICCHP 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs.

Jadranka Stojanovski is the assistant professor at University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences and research librarian at one of the biggest research library in Croatia – Rudjer Boskovic Institute Centre for Scientific Information. She holds master's degree in physics, as well as master’s and doctoral degree in information sciences.
She led and took part in different projects focused on the organization of information about research in Croatia like Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI, Who's Who in Science in Croatia, SESTAR repository of scientific equipment, HRCAK repository of the Croatian Open Access Journals, Digital Academic Archives and Repositories DABAR, and others. Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI holds the data on 0.5 M papers, Who’s Who in Science in Croatia holds the data on 8.000 scholars, HRCAK stores more than 400 Croatian OA journals, and DABAR hosts at the present 100 institutional repositories.
She is also involved in the continuous education, and has taught numerous lectures and workshops on online databases retrieval, bibliometrics, digital libraries, open science and open access to the scientific information, etc. for researchers and librarians While the organization of research output in Croatia remains her main focus, she has developed expertise in the scholarly publishing, data and publications management, open access, assessment of the research impact, and other main bibliometric and altmetric issues. She provides leadership and direction on a range of scholarly communication, open access, knowledge organization, and research information projects. She is also representative and national coordinator in Horizon 2020 project OpenAIRE, National reference point for scientific information for Croatia and member of the COST action PEERE.

Isabella Wagner's scholarly background is in Science and Technology Studies (graduated at the University of Vienna) with a focus on international development, the sociology of information and communication technologies and science communication. At the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) she has been managing scientific networking projects with regional focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and Canada, organising international events, designing and implementing communication strategies and contributing with analytical perspectives on social innovation, science policy, monitoring and impact.
As a second strand she is member of the team for co-publication studies at ZSI and participated in several science policy evaluation studies, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches (bibliometrics and co-publication network analysis, focus groups, interviews, etc.). She participated in evaluations and is academically contributing to the conferences of the Austrian Platform for Science and Technology Policy Evaluation (fteval) which is hosted at ZSI.

Professor Geoffrey Williams, MSc, PhD is co-founder and President of the EvalHum Initiative, a European association seeking to promote the Social Sciences and Humanities through improved evaluation procedures and impact studies. He is a former Vice President for International Relations at the Université de Bretagne-Sud, France (UBS), and has a particular interest in rankings and their application to the Social Sciences and Humanities. A linguist and lexicographer, he is a former president of the European Association for Lexicography - EURALEX. He is currently director of the Department for Document Management in UBS, and of the LiCoRN research group. He is a member of the Digital Humanities group of the LIDILEM research unit of the Université Grenoble Alpes. Professor Williams has published widely in his field and is a member of numerous academic societies.

Tobias Wolbring (born in 1982) holds a diploma degree in Sociology (Economics and Social Psychology as minor subjects; 2007) and a Ph.D. degree in Sociology and Economics (summa cum laude; 2013) from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. From 2008 to 2013, Wolbring was a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Norman Braun, Ph.D.) at the Institute of Sociology, LMU Munich. In 2013 and 2014 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Professorship for Social Psychology and Research on Higher Education (Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Daniel) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. From 2015 to 2017 he was an Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor) of Sociology, with a specialization in Longitudinal Data Analysis in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim. Since 2017 Professor Wolbring holds the Chair of Empirical Economic Sociology at the School of Business and Economics at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. In 2014 Professor Wolbring received the Dissertation Award by the German Sociological Association (GSA) in the same year the Anatol-Rapoport Prize (2014) by the GSA-Section „Model Building and Simulation” and in 2017 the Robert K. Merton Prize (2017) by the International Network of Analytical Sociology. Since 2013 he is co-editor of the SSCI-listed, peer reviewed journal Soziale Welt and council member of the section "Methods of Social Research" of the German Sociological Association.

Born (1962) and raised in New York City, I studied for his undergraduate and graduate studies at Brooklyn College, majoring in Judaic Studies. Following a brief stint in Jewish community work, I moved to Israel with my wife in 1988. Initially living on a kibbutz and working as an irrigation manager in the orchards, I began my career in higher education management in 1993 when I joined Bar-Ilan University’s Research Authority. Today, I am Director of Research and Global Engagement at IDC Herzliya. With my wife Sharon, and five children and reside in a residential community in the Greater Tel Aviv area. Sharon, an economist by education (Barnard) is a partner in a consultancy firm specializing in managing multi-partner international research and development consortia.
Working together with the President and Provost, I established and directed (for eight years) the Academic Affairs, International Engagement and Research Support Offices at the Interdisciplinary Centre (IDC), Herzliya. Recruited in 2006, I now provide leadership and service to faculty, staff, and students, assisting in implementing policy and decisions of the IDC academic and governing committees relating to research and global engagement. My portfolio includes responsibility for all competitive research and program grants and the protection of the institutional intellectual property; developing global partnerships and managing all institutional internationalization agreements, including student exchange, summer and study abroad programs; managing the development of double degree MA-level programs; and the development of joint doctoral programs.

Alesia Zuccala is an Associate Professor at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, University of Copenhagen. She graduated with a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Information Science at the University of Toronto (Canada) in 2004, and has an extensive international background, having held teaching and research positions in Canada, Australia, England, and The Netherlands. Prior to joining the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen, Alesia has worked in a variety of different environments including an institute for science policy studies and a consultancy unit for bibliometrics. Her specialization is in the field of scholarly communication, research evaluation, and bibliometrics; however in recent years, she has focused primarily on research outputs across the humanities. From 2012 to 2014 she was employed at the University of Amsterdam under a Spearpoint Digital Humanities fellowship funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). During this period she conducted a set of collaborative project pertaining to books and book publishers, which were financed by the Joint Center for Digital Humanities, and resulted in a series of articles published in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology and Scientometrics. Alesia Zuccala has been an active member of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics since 2007. She is currently also a board member of the EVALHUM initiative and a management committee member of the COST Action CA15137 – European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).