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ENRESSH in the news

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ENRESSH seeks to communicate widely with actors across Europe. Our publications may be in English or in all other European languages. In order to do this, we have just created a new section in the publication downloads with a first paper from the Latvian Zinatnes vēstnesis (Science News)

22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy

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Deadline: 15th of September 2017

22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy

Helsinki, Finland

9-10 November 2017

Pre-workshop: Researcher Visibility, 8 November 2017

Abstract and poster submission

The participants who wish to present a research paper or a poster are called for a max. 250-word abstract of their presentation. We are in particular seeking novel ideas or work-in-progress of interest to a Nordic audience and if possible policy-related. You can offer either a paper or a poster. Papers will be presented over a workshop presentation (ca. 20 min.), while posters will be showcased in a poster booster session followed by a free-form discussion. The posters will be on display in the hallways of the workshop site. Please send your abstract by filling this form.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is the 15th of September 2017. The authors will be notified of acceptance by the 30th of September 2017.

For further information, please contact: Reetta Muhonen reetta.muhonen (at)

22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy

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22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy

Helsinki, Finland

9-10 November 2017

Pre-workshop: Researcher Visibility, 8 November 2017

Abstract and poster submission

The participants who wish to present a research paper or a poster are called for a max. 250-word abstract of their presentation. We are in particular seeking novel ideas or work-in-progress of interest to a Nordic audience and if possible policy-related. You can offer either a paper or a poster. Papers will be presented over a workshop presentation (ca. 20 min.), while posters will be showcased in a poster booster session followed by a free-form discussion. The posters will be on display in the hallways of the workshop site. Please send your abstract by filling this form.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is the 15th of September 2017. The authors will be notified of acceptance by the 30th of September 2017.

For further information, please contact: Reetta Muhonen reetta.muhonen (at)

Governance of Science

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Michael Ocshner presented ENRESSH work group one at the “Governance of Science: Quality First – How to Use Individual Research Metrics Responsibly” workshop at Herrenhausen Palace Hanover on 25. July. The workshop was organised by the VolkswagenStiftung and Leopoldina –


Books in Open access

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An interesting perspective on why blindly rushing at OA for books, or anything, without thought is potentially bad for academia

Publications from the network

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ENRESSH members are busy, we thought you might be interested in these:

Jack Spaapen & Leonie van Drooge:

Elea Giménez-Toledo, Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez, and Gunnar Sivertsen:  ‘Scholarly book publishing’ in the journal Research Evaluation (

Linda Sīle, Raf Guns, Gunnar Sivertsen and Tim Engels ‘European databases and repositories for social sciences and humanities output’ (,