Belgian ENRESSH Day

By 2 May 2019

On 30 April Belgian ENRESSH members organised a national ENRESSH day to exchange knowledge on evaluation and impact of the social sciences and humanities with stakeholders. ENRESSH collaborated with the University of Saint Louis-Bruxelles, the University of Antwerp, the Ministry of Wallonia-Brussels Federation and in delivering this day.

The day was a huge succes. About 60 participants from a variety of professional backgrounds participated – policy makers, research evaluators, academic researchers and representatives of funding agencies, the rectors’ conference as well as the European University Association and the Young European Research Universities. Many of them expressed their positive opinion about the day. The programme below and the included links to presentations give an impression of the Belgian ENRESSH day. If they spark your interest in organising a national ENRESSH day, please contact ENRESSH’s science communication manager Stefan de Jong.

Current challenges in the evaluation of social sciences and humanities
What can Belgium learn from the ENRESSH project?

30 April 2019
Université Saint-Louis Brussels, Room P61, Boulevard du Jardin botanique / Kruidtuinlaan 43, 1000 Brussels

Traditional ways of evaluating research often break down when applied to the social sciences and humanities (SSH). This poses challenges for researchers and policy makers, both in Belgium and elsewhere. This seminar will focus on current challenges for the evaluation of SSH research and present some of the good practices resulting from the ENRESSH project, whichaims to improve evaluation procedures in order to take into account the diversity and the wealth of SSH research.


9:30 Registration and coffee
10:00 Welcome
Prof. Hugues Dumont, vice-rector for research, Université Saint-Louis
10:15 Introducing the European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH)
Claudia Oliveira, & ENRESSH member
10:30 The importance of impact and its implications for evaluation of SSH
Marc Vanholsbeeck, Direction de la recherche scientifique, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles; Université Libre de Bruxelles & ENRESSH member
11:15 The diversity of SSH publications and its implications for evaluation of SSH
Tim Engels, University of Antwerp & ENRESSH member
12:00 Lunch
13:15 Keynote lecture – The politics of un/naming in the evaluation process

Prof. David Pontille, MINES ParisTech

14:15 Panel discussion moderated by Gabi Lombardo, EASSH (European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities)

Panel members:

Raphaël Beck, Head of Analysis, Evaluation and Prospection at FRS-FNRS

Bruno Blondé, FWO board member & professor of history at University of Antwerp

Alexis Dewaele, professor of psychology at Ghent University & ENRESSH member

Reine Meylaerts, vice-rector for research & professor of translation studies at KU Leuven

Cecillia Rizcallah, researcher in constitutional law at Université Saint-Louis

Xavier Wauthy, dean & professor of economics at Université Saint-Louis

15:15 Message from ENRESSH to early career researchers

Marc Vanholsbeeck

15:25 Message from ENRESSH to policy makers

Tim Engels

15:35 Wrap up and conclusions

Gabi Lombardo

15:45 Drinks