Second webinar of the ENRESSH and RoRI Webinar Series on Using AI in Research Evaluation

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ENRESSH and RoRI are proud to present the second edition of their joint Webinar Series on Using AI in Research Evaluation.

The second webinar will take place on December 3rd at 2pm CET, and has the title:
Utility of LLMs in identifying and assessing academic genres

More info and registration here.

We will have Dr. Jon Holm, Research Council of Norway, Professor Mike Thelwall, University of Sheffield, and Dr. Denis Newman-Griffis, University of Sheffield.

First Webinar in the ENRESSH-RoRI Webinar Series on using AI in Research Evaluation on 5th November 2pm CET

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ENRESSH and RoRI are proud to present a new joint Webinar Series on Using AI in Research Evaluation.

The first webinar will take place on November 5th at 2pm CET, and has the title:
Using NLP in classification of SSH research and societal impact

More info and registration here.

We will have Dr. Raf Guns, Flemish Centre for Research & Development Monitoring (ECOOM), Antwerp University, and Prof. Andrea Bonaccorsi, Economics and Management at the School of Engineering of the University of Pisa, as speakers.
We also have Dr. Denis Newman-Griffis, University of Sheffield, as a discussant.

Fourth International RESSH Conference: Registration open

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The Early Bird registration for the fourth international RESSH Conference is now open!

If you want to become an ENRESSH member or you haven’t paid your member fee yet, you can choose the “non-member” option, which will include a membership if you would like to opt in for a membership.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Galway!

International Conference RESSH 2024: Abstract submission until 13 February

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Call for Abstracts is open for the International Conference on Research Evaluaiton in the SSH (RESSH) Conference!
We are thrilled to announce the best paper and poster awards: Students and PhD students can be awarded free registration and accommodation for attending the conference!
The deadline for submitting abstracts is on 13 February.

We are also very happy to announce two exciting keynote speakers: Merle Jacobs and Samuel L. Moore!

For more information and submission guidelines, see:

ENRESSH Webinar on Evaluation of Artistic Research on 26th April 2pm CEST

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ENRESSH is proud to announce the next edition of the ENRESSH webinar in cooperation with the Research on Research Institute RoRI.
It takes place virtually on 26th April at 2pm to 3:30pm CEST and will tackle an under-researched topic: Evaluation of Artistic Research in Performance-based Research Funding Systems (PRFSs).

We are happy to welcoming two experts on the evaluation of artistic research: Kamila Lewandowska (University of Warsaw) and Florian Vanlee (ECOOM-VUB).

The webinar is free to attend but we kindly ask you to register via Eventbrite:

Title of Input Presentation 1: Evaluation of the Arts within Performance-based Research Funding Systems (PRFS)
Kamila Lewandowska, University of Warsaw

Abstract: This research project provides the first comprehensive analysis of the evaluation of the Arts within performance-based research funding systems (PRFSs). The webinar will discuss the results from a two-year research project focusing on how the PRFSs evaluate artistic outputs in ten countries: Australia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Although those countries adopt diverse evaluation approaches, we were able to discover three types of systems based on how artistic outputs are classified and evaluated, and identify 12 quality criteria used by evaluative panels. Furthermore, we conducted a mixed-method study to assess the relevance of quality criteria used in PRFSs. The results of the qualitative analysis of interviews with artists-academics and Joint Correspondence Analysis show that when art is evaluated in the context of academic research, both the traditional indicators of artistic quality as well as the cognitive and research-related aspects of art are believed to be significant.

Title of Input Presentation 2: Registering & Evaluating Artistic Research in Flanders
Florian Vanlee, ECOOM-VUB

Abstract: Since 2009, ECOOM-VUB participates in a stakeholder-driven project to develop a registration format able to capture the various outputs resulting from artistic research conducted at higher arts education institutions (HAEIs) in Flanders – the Northern, Dutch-speaking region of Belgium, coupled with the creation of an ex-post evaluation protocol based on the documented outputs. Focusing on the most recent developments in the project (cf. 2019-2023), the present webinar first discusses the two-tiered registration format designed as the basis for a current research information system (CRIS) for artistic research conducted at Flemish HAEIs. It showcases the format’s synchronic approach, premised on documenting individual outputs (cf. the ‘output level’) which are linked to an overarching ‘research trajectory’ (cf. the ‘supra-output level’). In doing so, the format aims to avoid applying ‘academic’ logics of research information management on artistic research – supplanting diachronic logics tailored to traditional forms of scholarship with an approach based on the realities of art-based investigation. Subsequently, the webinar addresses how this format will serve as the basis for a testcase to assess the extent to which it is possible and commendable to allocate funds for Flemish HAEIs through an ex-post evaluation mechanism based on the registered data.

ENRESSH Webinar: Renewing the journal market: the risk of quasi-predatory journal publishing

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ENRESSH is happy to announce the following ENRESSH webinar:

Monday, 7th November 2022 from 2-3pm CET (via zoom, see below).

Title of the Webinar: Renewing the journal market: the risk of quasi-predatory journal publishing

Input presentation 1:
Title: Predators for some, rational choice for others: a geopolitical perspective on questionable academia
Speaker: Emanuel Kulczycki, Adam Mieckiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Abstract: My talk aims to show that “predatory journals” are easy-to-use labels to name complex and multidimensional practices in scholarly communication. In fact, these practices are the result of unequal power relations across central and semi-peripheral countries and institutions. I will argue that what is often named predatory publishing by the so-called Global North is—at the same time—a rational way of communicating research results following the science policy of a particular (semi-)peripheral country that wants to “get along with the center.”

Input presentation 2:
Title: Risks and Opportunities of Innovations in Editorial Procedures
Speaker: Serge Pascal Johannes M. Horbach, Aarhus University, Poland
Abstract: A plethora of innovations to reform journal editorial procedures are on their way, including moves towards more open and transparent practices, quests for automation and changing roles of actors involved. While having the potential to improve the editorial process, some come with the risk of jeopardising the integrity and quality of both the review process and published record. This talk will address such risks and opportunities by sharing experiences on guest editing a Frontiers journal.

The two short input presentations will be followed by 30 minutes of discussion and exchanges.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 989 9345 3383
Password: 789435

We hope to see you numerously!

26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, STI 2022

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The 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, STI 2022, will be held September 7-9 2022. The conference will be held in collaboration with the European Network of Indicator Developers (ENID).

The 2022 STI conference addresses the new issues and challenges that have appeared in Science, Technology and Innovation indicators. The conference will be the opportunity to showcase results from the intense work done in recent years on the way science, technology and innovation indicators are used in relating social actors to science and technology.

CfP Impact of Open Research: Challenges and Opportunities in the ‘Scientific Periphery’

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CfP Impact of Open Research: Challenges and Opportunities in the ‘Scientific Periphery’
Abstract submission: September 15, 2022
Invitations for submission: September 30, 2022
Submissions open: October 1, 2022
Submissions close: February 15, 2023


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The 9th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science PUBMET2022 will happen live in Zadar 14-16 September 2022. Registration is open:

Open Science European Conference

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Bravo Emanuel for you excellent presentation during the Open Science European Conference in Paris 4-5th February 2022, and live online!
Great to see the outputs from ENRESSH highlighted!

Our COST action may be finished, but the association is there to carry on the work! I hope many of you will join so as to participate in our forthcoming elections for a new board!